Beowulf and Leonitus are both very bravehearted and also arrogant but both play a big part in their fame.Leonitus was a monster without a doubt he wants to be remembered so bad that he's willing to do anything even fight 100 thousand persians with only 300 strong men but against the odds. Same with Beowulf he hears all these terrible things about Grendel and how he does terrible things to the people of Denmark but he wants a challenge the beast cause to him its something that will get him known around. You see how leonitus is so courageous that he realizes there is no chance to win this battle but the war can still be won if one person goes back to tell the rest back home, the epic fight against these men with only 300 warriors. Beowulf loves the glory it gets him gassed up when the people see him as their only hope, he fights grendel and his monster mother solo and he comes back with grendel's body to show his defeat of both creatures. in the end I think leonitus is the better person and warrior