Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Beowulf and Leonitus

Beowulf and Leonitus are both very bravehearted and also arrogant but both play a big part in their fame.Leonitus was a monster without a doubt he wants to be remembered so bad that he's willing to do anything even fight 100 thousand persians with only 300 strong men but against the odds. Same with Beowulf he hears all these terrible things about Grendel and how he does terrible things to the people of Denmark but he wants a challenge the beast cause to him its something that will get him known around. You see how leonitus is so courageous that he realizes there is no chance to win this battle but the war can still be won if one person goes back to tell the rest back home, the epic fight against these men with only 300 warriors. Beowulf loves the glory it gets him gassed up when the people see him as their only hope, he fights grendel and his monster mother solo and he comes back with grendel's body to show his defeat of both creatures. in the end I think leonitus is the better person and warrior

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Don Juan's Super Quiz

5 Close ended questions

What is Herot?

Is Beowulf a warrior or king of Geats?

Who is beowulf's father?

Who is Unferth?

Where did the Geats come from?

Unferth come fronts Beowulf that he is weaker then Brecca, because Brecca beat Beowulf in a race home, is this accusation false?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My class and I are about to start reading a Beowulf, from the search of pictures I've looked up it appears like it'll be a fiction novel. Its images have alot of dark erie colors and looks pretty adventurous, with a naked woman with a tail and a big brolic dude walking around with a big samurai sword. I'm real picky about reading fiction stories, cause I dont like the BS and all the unrealistic problems that the characters encounter in most of these types of novels. I would rather watch the movie cause of its mythological vibe that I'm getting out of it but it might be cool imaging some warrior type of dude going around killing demons and illborne creatures .

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Can't cry over Spilt Milk

Whats up peoples, you do alot of things in the past that you aren't so proud of, like I've donethings you could say I'm not ashamed of but hoped would've resulted differently. I cant have regrets cause what can't kill you can only make you stronger and I am what i am, hate it or love it. I've learned from my mistakes and I have matured from my bad decisions. I've done things that people wouldnt approve of but its all good cause all I need is the acceptance of my mother and thats that. People judge from what people have done not on what they have become even know its not right you dont know someone until you've walked in their shoes so thats why I get along with so many people cause if you respect me, you'll get it back in return.

Enough of me trying to school you fools on some knowledge so right now i got an issue, I screwed the last couple of years by not going to classes now I am backed up on school and at the same time i got to make my bread. In the end its all gravy cause I know you cant keep a dude like me down cause my state of mind is that I'm the underground king that hasn't been crowned and I'm the diamond in the dirt that aint been found. so what I like to do is stay positive and always keep my head up cause son, you can't cry over spilt milk

Friday, January 30, 2009


I'm real hyped about me graduating this year, even though I'm sharing the experience with my dogs back home, dont get me wrong there's some cool dudes out here but its nothing like chilling with the people you grew up with. Its still going to be popping, 12 years is a long time and im just glad i got a semester left, my plans after school is most likely go to college but I want to go back to NY for a couple of months. Then i want to visit my fams in Florida to scope out the scenery and check out beaches. My cousin just moved to Cali so i want to head out there for a little bit and depending on my mindset I most likely comeback to MO.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The truth to blogging

Blogging is away for people to write their oppinions and their views because no one else has the time or day to actually care. Its like someone's personal diary and to me its real corny, cause this just means there not out in the world trying to better themselves but instead write blogs to feel important. Dont take this as an insult take it as an advice from a friend. Stay righteous and stay up PAYCE